Cavias > Litters > A12-Z12


LitterDateDetails of litterMotherFather
A122018/ 04/ 21more hereOLIVIE Fantom ChlumZIG ZAG My Love
B122018/ 05/ 06more hereCZCH QUINTA Fantom ChlumFRENK van Ittersum Cavies
C122018/ 05/ 08more hereZEKIE Fantom ChlumFRAJER van Ittersum Cavies
D122018/ 05/ 16more hereNYMFA Z VerdunuKatie´s JAROSLAV
E122018/ 05/ 16more hereAu Naturels Jette Juveltyv 4HERRY Chin Chin
F122018/ 05/ 27more hereCZCH NIFER Fantom ChlumCZGCH CZCH BRUNO Caviafarm de Bruil
G122018/ 06/ 09more hereAu Naturels Kvindekampen 4ZOLAN Fantom Chlum
H122018/ 06/ 10more hereAu Naturels Kællingeklubben 4ZIG ZAG My Love
CH122018/ 06/ 14more hereOLINKA Fantom ChlumIBANJI Fantom Chlum
I122018/ 07/ 04more hereAu Naturels Jonna Jubelmås 4CZCH URIAH Fantom Chlum
J122018/ 08/ 31more hereZEKIE Fantom ChlumFRAJER van Ittersum Cavies
K122018/ 09/ 15more hereITHAKA Fantom ChlumZIG ZAG My Love
L122018/ 09/ 23more herePRINCES van Ittersum CaviesCZCH ZEKON Fantom Chlum
M122018/ 09/ 28more hereAu Naturels Jette Juveltyv 4ZIG ZAG My Love
N122018/ 10/ 16more hereŽABKA van Ittersum CaviesCZGCH CZCH BRUNO Caviafarm de Bruil
O122018/ 10/ 27more hereCZCH NIFER Fantom ChlumCZCH ZEKON Fantom Chlum
P122018/ 10/ 28more hereINDIA Fantom ChlumCZCH URIAH Fantom Chlum
Q122018/ 11/ 03more hereOLIVA FuerteventuraDENNY Fantom Chlum
R122018/ 11/ 11more hereKIARA Carpe DiemDENNY Fantom Chlum
S122018/ 11/ 17more hereFABIENA Fantom ChlumCZCH SAIMON Fantom Chlum
T122018/ 11/ 21more hereZEKIE Fantom ChlumFRAJER van Ittersum Cavies
U122018/ 11/ 24more hereITHAKA Fantom ChlumZIG ZAG My Love
V122018/ 11/ 26more hereCZCH JENIFER Fantom ChlumCZCH SAIMON Fantom Chlum
W122018/ 11/ 28more hereFIFINKAXYLON Carpe Diem
X122018/ 12/ 06more hereNYMFA Z VerdunuXYLON Carpe Diem
Y122019/ 01/ 02more hereSALLY van Ittersum CaviesCZGCH CZCH BRAVO Fantom Chlum
Z122019/ 01/ 08more hereCZCH HELIMADOE Caviafarm de BruilCZGCH CZCH BRUNO Caviafarm de Bruil
LitterDateDetails of litterMotherFather

Fantom Chlum - Breeding station cavias with pedigree
2009 Created by M-Design, Publication System Fantom PSF 3.5 CAVIA EDITION
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